Mindfulness Can Literally Change Your Brain

The business world is abuzz with mindfulness. But perhaps you haven’t heard that the hype is backed by hard science. By Christina Congleton, Britta K. Hölzel, and Sara W. Lazar. January 08, 2015.

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Eight weeks to a better brain

Meditation study shows changes associated with awareness and stress. By Sue McGreevey, MGH Communications

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A surprisingly simple breathing technique for teachers can help students do better in school

A forthcoming study has found that giving teachers simple breathing techniques to calm themselves down and regain focus led to improvements in student behaviour and academic performance. By Chris Weller

Read the full article here

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Kabat-Zinn, Jon. Coming To Our Senses. Hyperion, N.Y. 2005.

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Kornfield, Jack. The Wise Heart

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Santorelli, S. Heal Thyself. Lessons on Mindfulness in Medicine. Random House/ Bell Tower, N.Y 1999.

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Tolle, Eckhart. The New Earth. Penguin, Australia 2005
